Dredge Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Dredge in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Dredge in Bangla is : ঝালা

Defenition of word Dredge

  • an apparatus for bringing up objects or mud from a river or seabed by scooping or dragging.
  • clean out the bed of (a harbor, river, or other area of water) by scooping out mud, weeds, and rubbish with a dredge.
  • sprinkle (food) with a powdered substance, typically flour or sugar.


dredge the bananas with sugar and cinnamon

Other Meaning of Dredge

  • VERB

    ঝালা dredge solder
    ঝালান dredge refresh recapitulate
    পঙ্কোদ্ধার করা dredge reclaim
  • MORE

    সমুদ্র বা নদীর তলা সেঁচে মাটি, ঝিনুক বা অন্যান্য পদার্থ তুলে আনবার যন্ত্র dredge

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