Windward Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Windward in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Windward in Bangla is : বাতাসের দিকে

Defenition of word Windward

  • facing the wind or on the side facing the wind.
  • the side or direction from which the wind is blowing.


the ships drifted west, leaving the island quite a distance to windward

Other Meaning of Windward


    প্রতিবাতে windward windwards
    বায়ুর উজানে windward windwards

    প্রতিবাত windward
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    বায়ুর দিকে অবস্থিত windward
    যে দিক হইতে বায়ু বহে সেই দিকে windward