Honorarium Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Honorarium in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Honorarium in Bangla is : দক্ষিণা (d o k . kh i . n a)

Defenition of word Honorarium

  • a payment given for professional services that are rendered nominally without charge.


Some of it goes straight to individuals in the form of consulting fees, contracts, honoraria , and salaries.

Other Meaning of Honorarium

  • NOUN

    দক্ষিণা south honorarium fee given to a priest gift given to a priest
  • MORE

    বিশেষ কাজের জন্য স্বেচ্ছাপ্রদত্ত বা রীতিমত বেতনের বদলে প্রদত্ত পারিশ্রমিক honorarium