How Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word How in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of How in Bangla is : কিভাবে (k i . bh a . b e)

Defenition of word How

  • in what way or manner; by what means.
  • used to ask about the condition or quality of something.
  • used to ask about the extent or degree of something.
  • the way in which; that.


he did not know how he ought to behave

Other Meaning of How


    কিভাবে how
    কত how
    কি what whether how how much how many or
    কেমন করিয়া how
    কি উপায়ে how
    কি অবস্থায় how

    কিভাবে how
    কেমন করিয়া how
    কি উপায়ে how
    কি অবস্থায় how
    কেমন how
    কত how much to a great extent
    কমনে how by which way whither where

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