Slate Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Slate in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Slate in Bangla is : কঠোরভাবে সমালোচনা করা

Defenition of word Slate

  • a fine-grained gray, green, or bluish metamorphic rock easily split into smooth, flat pieces.
  • a flat piece of slate used for writing on, typically framed in wood, formerly used in schools.
  • a bluish-gray color.
  • a list of candidates for election to a post or office, typically a group sharing a set of political views.


suits of slate gray

Other Meaning of Slate

  • MORE

    সেলেট পাথর slate
  • VERB

    কঠোরভাবে সমালোচনা করা slate
  • NOUN

    সিলিট্-পাথর slate