Topaz Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Topaz in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Topaz in Bangla is : পোখরাজ (p o kh . r a j)

Defenition of word Topaz

  • a precious stone, typically colorless, yellow, or pale blue, consisting of a fluorine-containing aluminum silicate.
  • a large tropical American hummingbird with a yellowish throat and a long tail.


Brazil is the main source of gem topaz (an aluminium silicate fluoride in which hydroxyl ions replace some of the fluorine ions) Topaz can be colourless, blue, and rarely pink as well as the more familiar yellow.

Other Meaning of Topaz

  • NOUN

    পুষ্পরাগমণি topaz
    পোখরাজ topaz