Alphabet Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Alphabet in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Alphabet in Bangla is : বর্ণমালা (b O r . n o . m a . l a)

Defenition of word Alphabet

  • a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order, used to represent the basic sounds of a language; in particular, the set of letters from A to Z.


Thai is a tonal language, and its alphabet is derived from Mon and Khmer scripts.

Other Meaning of Alphabet

  • NOUN

    বর্ণমালা alphabet abc
    অ আ ক খ abc alphabet elementary knowledge
    অ আ abc alphabet elementary knowledge
    অক্ষরমালা alphabet
    প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান alphabet
  • MORE

    গোড়ার কথা alphabet
    কোনো কিছুর মূল নিয়ম বা নীতি alphabet
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