Caboose Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Caboose in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Caboose in Bangla is : রন্ধনশালা

Defenition of word Caboose

  • a railroad car with accommodations for the train crew, typically attached to the end of the train.
  • a kitchen on a ship's deck.


Pooled cabooses stayed with a train to final destination and the crew slept in a bunkhouse like the engine crews had always done.

Other Meaning of Caboose

  • NOUN

    রন্ধনশালা caboose cuisine kitchen
    জাহাজের রন্ধনশালা caboose cook galley
    জাহাজের রান্নাঘর caboose cook galley
  • MORE

    জাহাজের ডেকের ওপর রান্নার জন্য ব্যবহৃত ঘর caboose

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