Chamois Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Chamois in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Chamois in Bangla is : কৃষ্ণসার হরিণ

Defenition of word Chamois

  • an agile goat-antelope with short hooked horns, found in mountainous areas of Europe from Spain to the Caucasus.
  • a type of soft pliable leather now made from sheepskin or lambskin.


Their digestive tract is adapted to break down fairly large bones such as the femur of the chamois , the small, goatlike antelope of the Alps.

Other Meaning of Chamois

  • NOUN

    কৃষ্ণসার হরিণ chamois
    মৃগার চর্ম chamois doeskin
  • MORE

    এক ধরনের হরিণসদৃশ পার্বত্য ছাগল chamois