Kedgeree Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Kedgeree in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Kedgeree in Bangla is : খিচুড়ি

Defenition of word Kedgeree

  • an Indian dish consisting chiefly of rice, lentils, onions, and eggs.
  • a European dish consisting chiefly of fish, rice, and hard-boiled eggs.


The rice is combined with vegetables or meat to make the popular pilaus or pilafs, birianis or kedgerees , which the British imported from India and these days are seen on menus in many restaurants in Britain.

Other Meaning of Kedgeree

  • NOUN

    খিচুড়ি hodgepodge hotchpotch kedgeree
  • MORE

    খিচুড়ি বা ঐ জাতীয় অন্য কোনো পাঁচমিশালি খাবার kedgeree

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