Pawnee Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Pawnee in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Pawnee in Bangla is : বন্ধকগ্রহীতা

Defenition of word Pawnee

  • a member of an American Indian confederacy formerly in Nebraska, and now mainly in Oklahoma.
  • the Caddoan language of the Pawnee.
  • relating to the Pawnee or their language.


Trained as a scientist, not a moralist, Grinnell logged the words, actions, practices, history, and religious beliefs of Blackfeet, Pawnees , and Cheyennes as accurately and faithfully as possible.

Other Meaning of Pawnee

  • NOUN

    বন্ধকগ্রহীতা pledgee pawnbroker pawnee
  • MORE

    যে ব্যক্তি বন্ধক রাখিয়া টাকা ধার দেয় pawnee