Peneplain Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Peneplain in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Peneplain in Bangla is : ভূমিক্ষয়ের দ্বারা প্রায় সমভূমিতে পরিণত অঞ্চল

Defenition of word Peneplain

  • a more or less level land surface produced by erosion over a long period, undisturbed by crustal movement.


Here the sequence of processes and landforms which exists between the tectonic uplift of an area and its reduction to a peneplain or erosion surface close to base level is believed to have occurred many times in certain regions.

Other Meaning of Peneplain

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    ভূমিক্ষয়ের দ্বারা প্রায় সমভূমিতে পরিণত অঞ্চল peneplain

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