Tarlatan Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Tarlatan in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Tarlatan in Bangla is : তারাতালান

Defenition of word Tarlatan

  • a thin, starched, open-weave muslin fabric, used for stiffening evening gowns.


It took merely a few minutes for her to grow bored, and she stood, and with wobbling limbs made her way to the bag, produced a flowered sage tarlatan dress, put it on, and straightened her hair.

Other Meaning of Tarlatan

  • NOUN

    পাতলা মস্লিন বস্ত্র tarlatan
  • MORE

    একপ্রকার সূক্ষ্ম কার্পাস-বস্ত্র tarlatan