Trumpeter Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Trumpeter in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Trumpeter in Bangla is : ট্রাম্পটার

Defenition of word Trumpeter

  • a person who plays a trumpet.
  • a large gregarious ground-dwelling bird of tropical South American forests, with mainly black plumage and loud trumpeting and booming calls.
  • a pigeon of a domestic breed that makes a trumpetlike sound.
  • an edible marine fish with a spiny dorsal fin, found chiefly in cool Australasian waters and said to make a grunting or trumpeting sound when taken out of the water.


Bands of that era also featured great pianists, bassists, trumpeters , flautists, violinists, and occasional saxophonists.

Other Meaning of Trumpeter